How many calories do push ups burn

How many calories do push ups burn?
How many calories does a push up burn?

Push Ups are one of the most popular and effective exercises for building strength, endurance, and muscle mass. They work your chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and even your legs and glutes. But did you know that Push Ups can also help you burn calories and lose weight?

In this article, you will learn how many calories do push ups burn, what factors affect the calorie expenditure, and how to increase the intensity and variety of your push ups routine to maximize your results. You will also find some frequently asked questions and answers about Push Ups and calorie burning.

How many calories does a push up burn?

How many calories do push ups burn?
How many calories does a push up burn

The exact number of calories burned push ups depends on several factors, such as your weight, age, sex, intensity, and technique. However, a general estimate is that Push Ups can burn around 7 calories per minute.

This means that if you do 10 Push Ups in a minute, you will burn 7 calories. If you do 20 Push Ups in a minute, you will burn 14 calories. And if you do 30 Push Ups in a minute, you will burn 21 calories.

Of course, these numbers are only averages and may vary depending on your individual characteristics and circumstances. To get a more accurate estimate of how many calories you burn by doing push ups, you can use an online calculator or a fitness tracker.

What Factors Affect How many calories do push ups burn?

calories burned pushups
What Factors Affect How many calories do push ups burn

As mentioned above, there are several factors that influence how many calories do push ups burn. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Weight: The heavier you are, the more calories you burn by doing any physical activity, including push ups. This is because your body has to work harder to move more mass. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds will burn more calories than a person who weighs 120 pounds by doing the same number of push ups.
  • Age: The older you are, the fewer calories you burn by doing any physical activity, including push ups. This is because your metabolism slows down as you age and your muscle mass decreases. For example, a person who is 40 years old will burn fewer calories than a person who is 20 years old by doing the same number of push ups.
  • Sex: In general, men burn more calories than women by doing any physical activity, including push ups. This is because men usually have more muscle mass and less body fat than women. For example, a man who weighs 150 pounds will burn more calories than a woman who weighs 150 pounds by doing the same number of push ups.
  • Intensity: The faster and harder you do push ups, the more calories you burn. This is because your heart rate and oxygen consumption increase as you exert more effort. For example, doing explosive or plyometric Push Ups will burn more calories than doing regular or slow push ups.
  • Technique: The way you perform Push Ups can also affect how many calories you burn. This is because different techniques target different muscles and require different levels of stability and coordination. For example, doing close-grip or diamond Push Ups will burn more calories than doing wide-grip or standard push ups.

How to Increase the Intensity and Variety of Your Push Up Routine

How many calories does a push up burn?
How to Increase the Intensity and Variety of Your Push Up Routine

If you want more calories burned pushups, you need to increase the intensity and variety of your routine. This will challenge your muscles more and prevent boredom and plateaus. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Increase the number of reps: One of the simplest ways to increase the intensity of your push ups routine is to do more reps in each set or session. For example, if you normally do 10 reps per set, try to do 15 or 20 reps per set. Or if you normally do 50 reps per session, try to do 75 or 100 reps per session.
  • Decrease the rest time: Another way to increase the intensity of your push ups routine is to decrease the rest time between sets or sessions. For example, if you normally rest for 60 seconds between sets, try to rest for 30 or 15 seconds between sets. Or if you normally rest for a day between sessions, try to rest for half a day or no rest at all between sessions.
  • Add weight: Adding weight to your body can also increase the intensity of your push ups routine. You can use a weighted vest, a backpack with books or water bottles, or even a partner on your back to add resistance to your push ups. For example, if you normally do 10 reps with no weight, try to do 10 reps with 10 pounds of weight.
  • Change the angle: Changing the angle of your body can also increase the intensity of your push ups routine. You can use an incline or decline surface, such as a bench, a chair, or a step, to elevate or lower your feet or hands and change the leverage and difficulty of your push ups. For example, if you normally do 10 reps on a flat surface, try to do 10 reps on an incline or decline surface.
  • Change the position: Changing the position of your hands or feet can also increase the intensity of your push ups routine. You can use a narrow or wide grip, a staggered or offset grip, or even a single-arm or single-leg variation to target different muscles and challenge your balance and stability. For example, if you normally do 10 reps with a standard grip, try to do 10 reps with a close-grip or a wide-grip.

How to Track Your Progress with how many calories do push ups burn

How many calories does a pushup burn?
How to Track Your Progress with how many calories do push ups burn

One of the best ways to motivate yourself and see your improvement with Push Ups is to track your progress. You can do that by using a notebook, a spreadsheet, an app, or a fitness tracker to record the following metrics:

  • Number of reps: The number of Push Ups you can do in a set or session. You can try to increase this number over time by doing more reps per set or session, or by doing more sets or sessions per week.
  • Number of sets: The number of times you repeat a certain number of Push Ups in a session. You can try to increase this number over time by doing more sets per session, or by doing more sessions per week.
  • Time: The amount of time you spend doing Push Ups in a session or a week. You can try to decrease this number over time by doing the same number of Push Ups in less time, or by doing more Push Ups in the same time.
  • Calories: The number of calories you burn by doing Push Ups in a session or a week. You can try to increase this number over time by doing more push ups, doing more intense push ups, or adding weight to your push ups.

By tracking your progress with push ups, you will be able to see how far you have come and how much you have improved. You will also be able to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your achievements.

How to Avoid Injuries and Mistakes with Push ups

How many calories does a push up burn?
How to Avoid Injuries and Mistakes with Push ups

Push Ups are generally safe and effective exercises, but they can also cause injuries and mistakes if done incorrectly or excessively. Here are some tips on how to avoid injuries and mistakes with push ups:

  • Warm up: Before you start doing push ups, make sure you warm up your muscles and joints with some light cardio and dynamic stretches. This will prepare your body for the exercise and prevent strains and sprains.
  • Cool down: After you finish doing push ups, make sure you cool down your muscles and joints with some static stretches and gentle movements. This will relax your body and prevent soreness and stiffness.
  • Rest: Give your body enough time to recover and repair between push ups sessions. Ideally, you should rest for at least 48 hours before doing Push Ups again. This will prevent overuse injuries and muscle fatigue.
  • Form: Maintain proper form and alignment when doing push ups. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, your hands under your shoulders, your elbows close to your body, and your core tight. Avoid sagging your hips, arching your back, flaring your elbows, or shrugging your shoulders. This will prevent injuries and ensure optimal results.
  • Variety: Mix up your push ups routine with different variations, angles, positions, and weights. This will prevent boredom and plateaus, as well as work different muscles and challenge your body in new ways.

By following these tips, you will be able to do Push Ups safely and effectively without hurting yourself or compromising your results.

How to Incorporate Push Ups into Your Workout Routine

Push Ups are a great exercise that can be incorporated into any workout routine, whether you want to build strength, endurance, muscle mass, or lose weight. Here are some ways to incorporate Push Ups into your workout routine:

  • As a warm-up: You can use Push Ups as a warm-up exercise before you do other exercises that involve your upper body, such as bench press, dumbbell press, pull-ups, or rows. This will activate your muscles and joints and prepare them for the main workout.
  • As a main exercise: You can use Push Ups as a main exercise in your workout routine if you want to focus on your upper body strength and endurance. You can do different variations, angles, positions, and weights of Push Ups to target different muscles and challenge yourself.
  • As a finisher: You can use Push Ups as a finisher exercise after you do other exercises that involve your upper body, such as chest flyes, shoulder raises, tricep extensions, or bicep curls. This will exhaust your muscles and give them a final pump.
  • As a standalone workout: You can use Push Ups as a standalone workout if you don’t have access to other equipment or facilities, or if you just want to do a quick and effective workout. You can do as many Push Ups as you can in a given time or until failure.

By incorporating Push Ups into your workout routine, you will be able to enhance your performance and results with other exercises and achieve your fitness goals faster.

How to Make Push Ups More Fun and Enjoyable

How many calories does pushups burn?
How to Make Push Ups More Fun and Enjoyable

Push Ups are not only beneficial for your health and fitness, but they can also be fun and enjoyable if you know how to make them so. Here are some ways to make Push Ups more fun and enjoyable:

  • Listen to music: Listening to music while doing Push Ups can make them more fun and enjoyable, as well as boost your mood and motivation. You can choose music that matches your tempo and intensity, or music that inspires and energizes you.
  • Watch a video: Watching a video while doing Push Ups can make them more fun and enjoyable, as well as distract you from the pain and fatigue. You can watch a video that teaches you how to do Push Ups better, or a video that entertains and amuses you.
  • Do them with a partner: Doing Push Ups with a partner can make them more fun and enjoyable, as well as increase your accountability and support. You can do Push Ups with a partner who is at your level or higher, or a partner who is lower or different. You can challenge each other, motivate each other, or help each other.
  • Do them in different places: Doing Push Ups in different places can make them more fun and enjoyable, as well as add variety and excitement to your routine. You can do Push Ups in different places, such as indoors or outdoors, at home or at work, in the park or in the gym, on the floor or on a bench.

By making Push Ups more fun and enjoyable, you will be able to stick to your routine and look forward to your next session.

Conclusion about how many calories do push ups burn

Push Ups are a great exercise for burning calories and building strength, endurance, and muscle mass. They work your chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and even your legs and glutes. However, the number of calories do push ups burn depends on several factors, such as your weight, age, sex, intensity, and technique.

To burn more calories with push ups, you need to increase the intensity and variety of your routine. You can do that by increasing the number of reps, decreasing the rest time, adding weight, changing the angle, and changing the position of your push ups. By doing so, you will challenge your muscles more and prevent boredom and plateaus.

Push Ups are one of the most versatile and effective exercises you can do. Try to incorporate them into your workout routine at least twice a week and enjoy the benefits.

FAQs about how many calories do push ups burn

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about how many calories do push ups burn:

How many calories do 100 Push Ups burn?

The number of calories you burn by doing 100 Push Ups depends on several factors, such as your weight, age, sex, intensity, and technique. However, a general estimate is that 100 Push Ups can burn around 70 calories.

How many Push Ups should I do a day to lose weight?

The number of Push Ups you should do a day to lose weight depends on several factors, such as your weight loss goal, your calorie intake, your activity level, and your fitness level. However, a general recommendation is to do at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, which can include Push Ups and other exercises.

Are Push Ups enough to build muscle?

Push Ups are enough to build muscle in your upper body, especially in your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. However, if you want to build muscle in other parts of your body, such as your back, biceps, legs, and glutes, you need to do other exercises as well.

What are some benefits of Push Ups besides burning calories?

Some benefits of Push Ups besides burning calories are:

  • Improving your posture and alignment
  • Strengthening your joints and bones
  • Enhancing your cardiovascular health
  • Boosting your mood and confidence
  • Reducing your risk of injury and disease
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